The alternative to wheels. Best for sit-on-top kayaks. This padded shoulder strap threads through scupper holes and clips with brass snaps. Fully adjustable for a variety of kayaks and paddler heights. (Lifetime Guarantee) Your kayak should have two drain holes (No smaller than 1.25 in. diameter), one forward of the balance point and one behind, both holes preferably in the cockpit. Best if scupper holes are in pairs on right and left sides. This device is best for lighter, smaller kayaks. (Less than 50 lbs. ~ Shorter than 14') It can be used with larger, heavier kayaks over short distance across pavement, rough terrain and stairs where wheels are not effective. Long distance portages of big kayaks is better with wheels.
Use this link to a Sit-In-Side Style Carry Strap.
ADAPTING The Carry Strap may work for some centerline, multi drain hole kayaks, as well as sit-in kayaks. See Article Kayak Carry Strap: Use, Adaptations and Instructions