TopKayaker -
680 White Mountain Highway, Unit 6, Tamworth NH, New Hampshire
03886 USA - Phone: 603-323-6016 is owned by TopKayaker / GeoOdyssey LLC

Our phones are staffed on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. If we are on the other line, keep calling or send an email. Please provide as much information as possible about your kayak.

Need help checking out? Rather than make repeated attempts, try one of two solutions. Use our Pay Pal payment option. It processes credit cards securely without you having to be a Pay Pal member. Just click continue when it asks for membership information. Or try a different device.

International customers; Please read the Shipping and Returns page for basic information and use the Questions About Kayaks or Kayak Parts option below.

Important! Select the option below that best answers why you are contacting us.

Questions About Kayaks or Kayak Parts. Use this option for kayak help. If you are inquiring about a particular kayak model, please give us as much information as possible about the make, model, and year. We will ask for photos if we need them.

What is the status of my order? Use this option for all questions about existing orders, such as Can I make a change to the order? Did my order ship? When will it arrive? Use the Shipping and Returns for return instructions. Please include your name, as it appears on the order, and your order number.

Having website problems? Please let us know if a link does not work, a page shows up blank, or some other portion of the website is incorrect. Our web folks can't answer Kayak or Order questions, but they do want to keep our website in tip-top shape. Include information such as the device you are using, your operating system, the steps leading up to the problem, and the type of browser you are using.

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Tetragon NX 2 Person Tent
Tetragon NX 2 Person Tent
$109.95  $98.96
Save: 10% off
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