The Millionaire Beach Bum: Turning ADD into Passion and Profit

The Millionaire Beach Bum: Turning ADD into Passion and Profit
  • Model: 0692502025
  • Shipping Weight: 0.95lbs
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Tim Niemier grew up in Malibu among the surfing legends and pioneering watermen who defined this California lifestyle. But Tim chose a different path when he converted a surfboard into his first sit-on-top kayak. The first time Tim ventured into the waves, the ocean stole his soul and never gave it back. Tim struggled with attention deficit disorder long before it was defined, but used it to his advantage. Against overwhelming odds, he used the power of A.D.D. to combine his passions for art and water sports into designs for kinetic kayak sculptures. People have said; Today, there are more boats and boards on this earth designed by Tim Niemier than anyone else in history. He introduced the sit on top kayak to the world and started Ocean Kayak Inc., which became a multi-million dollar business that transformed paddlesports from an elite expert sport into a recreational activity almost anyone could enjoy. This is the story of Tim Niemier and his audacious dream of getting a billion butts on boats and boards by creating simple water-friendly designs for everyone.

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