This Long Pin rudder kit includes a Trucourse Rudder (K748150-3), Adjustable Footbrace Rudder Controls (K747200-1 gas pedal foot controls) and a Rudder Rigging Kit (K748151-1). This Trucourse Rudder Kit is best used for kayaks that have not had a rudder before.
Medium Long Pin: Three inch pin! 1/4 inch must be exposed for the ring. Measure your rudder bracket carefully! Use rudder link above for more details. A rudder bracket is not included! Use link to left to view your options. Some kayaks have a rudder bracket molded as part of the hull. Use the links on this page for more info.
The Rudder Rigging Kit comes with 3/16 diameter rudder tube and includes most materials needed to install a rudder onto a kayak (see list of contents below). If your kayak has had a rudder on it before you can typically skip the rudder tube parts.
See the TruCourse Rudder Video.
See the Sea-Lect Adjustable Foot Controls Video.
See the Sealect Rudder Bracket Video.
A more economical TruCourse Rudder Kit can be made up with a Trucourse Rudder (K748150-3), Recreational Foot Controls (K747600-1 slide rail foot controls) and the components of the Rudder Rigging Kit (K748151-1). The rigging kit includes common Cables and Fittings needed to install a rudder onto a kayak that has never had one before. A rudder bracket might be needed. Use link to left to view your options. Some kayaks have a rudder bracket molded as part of the hull. See the Sea-Lect Foot Controls Video.
Rudder Rigging Kit (K748151-1) contents:
30 feet of 3/16 inch diameter Plastic Tubing (substitute with 1/4 in. Rudder Tube or 1/8 in. Rudder Tube 16-20 feet is all you would need)
30 feet of 1/16 inch diameter Stainless Steel Rudder Cable (20 feet is suitable for Recreational Foot Controls)
12 feet of 3/16 diameter Static Cordage
18 inches of 1/8 inch diameter Shock Cord
4 x Cable Swages Crimp-On Sleeves
1 x CL203 Clam Cleat Junior
3 x Pad Eye, aka Strap Eye
6 x Tri-Fold Rivet, aka Klamptite Rivet
6 x 10-32 1 inch Machine Screw
6 x 10-32 Ny-Lock Nut
6 x Number 10 Flat Washer
2 x 8-32 3/4 inch Oval Head Screw
2 x 8-32 Ny-Lock Nut
2 x Number 8 Flat Washer