This part now has the Old Town logo on it. It is identical to the discontinued back band with the Necky logo on it.
For sit-in-side kayaks, and some sit-on-top kayaks, by Old Town, Necky and Ocean Kayak. A supportive backband that provides ample lumbar support, freedom of movement and comfort for many body types. Best used as a replacement back band for recreational kayaks. Might be suitable for other makes and models. Can be used as a replacement for some much older Necky back supports. The recreational back band (Necky 07.1980.0000, Old Town 01.1315.3670) is found on kayaks outfitted with a seat back adjustment bracket, common on modern Old Town and late model Necky kayaks, such as the Looksha T tandem, as well as some sit-on-top kayaks by Necky, such as the Necky Vector, and Ocean Kayak. The back band is 15 x 8 inches. Back band
is padded and covered with neoprene. Mounting hardware or instructions are NOT included.
This back band has two threaded studs on the back face to integrate with a Adjustment Bracket common on Johnson Watercraft kayaks (see photo, and link). Many of the older Necky versions did not have studs.
Please use this link to the Close Up Photo of Back Side of the modern version.
A smaller touring version back band (07.1981.0000) option is also available. NECKOUT OLDOUT SEAASSY