Paddling North by Audrey Sutherland

Paddling North by Audrey Sutherland
  • Model: 0980122759
  • Shipping Weight: 1lbs
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From Clay Kesting

"This is a beautifully presented book. It is a slim, hardcover volume rather tall for its width but with quite small print so that there is still a lot of reading in its 171 pages. 

...a compilation of her first two trips to Alaska when she was 60 years old, it was written after she had completed about 20 more so there are references to later adventures to flesh out the story. Audrey’s language is very descriptive without being overly flowery so that the places she visits and the joys and perils of the voyage really come to life. There are also flashbacks to earlier adventures such as swimming the coast of Hawai’i and to her childhood, marriage and her children. The result is that you feel that you are sharing the adventure with her and then sitting down in the evening, in a warm hut before roaring stove, yarning about past lives and future dreams. 

The dust cover is a lovely drawing by Yoshiko Yamamoto whose illustrations are interspersed throughout the book. It is almost worth buying the book for these illustrations alone. They are quite simple, almost cartoon-like, drawn with broad strokes and muted colours without much texture or shading, but they really convey the atmosphere of the country and are a wonderful adjunct to Audrey’s descriptions. 

Likewise the maps produced by Anita Karl and Jim Kemp are very clear with an overall map at the beginning of the book and individual maps at the start of each chapter. However, it is important to note the direction of the North arrow on the intermediate maps as they are not always along the long axis of the page as is the overall map."

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