Cockpit Trim Edge

Cockpit Trim Edge
  • Model: OT-01-1315-0442 (13B2)
  • Shipping Weight: 1.1lbs
  • 26 Units in Stock

Starting at: $32.99

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Trimlok brand trim edge (01.1315.0442) is best used for replacement of the finished of a sit-in-side kayak cockpit. This same material may also be used on some hatch openings as trim, but not as a gasket. This size is common on Old Town and Necky kayaks, and may be used on other makes and models. Please measure your kayak cockpit carefully. It is much better to have extra rather than to come up short. Instructions are not included, but the application is simple. Remove old trim. Apply the new trim edge to the cockpit coaming, starting on the centerline behind the seat. Apply the trim firmly along the entire perimeter of the coaming. Ensure that the U-Channel is fully engaged. Cutting the trim edge is the last step. Cut a tiny bit too long for the best results. You can always cut it shorter; cannot make it longer again. Use 3M weather strip adhesive if you feel the need for adhesive.

We are offering Cockpit Trim Edge in three lengths:
Small Solo Cockpit, 10 feet. $32.99
Large Solo Cockpit, 15 feet. $49.99
Two-Man kayak Single Cockpit, 20 feet. $64.99
All fits thicknesses 1/8 to 1/4 inch and is 1/2 inch deep. Outside Dims: 7/16 x 3/8 in.

Most sea kayaks, touring kayaks, white water kayaks and some recreational kayaks will take the 10 ft. Small Solo Cockpit size. The 15 ft. Large Solo Cockpit will fit Many Recreational kayaks with a large cockpit. Most two-man (tandem) recreational kayaks have a single extra large cockpit needing the 20 ft. Single Cockpit Two-Man kayak size. For twin cockpit tandem (two hole) sea touring kayaks select one size for each cockpit. (Most two-hole kayaks have the same dims front and back. Only a few have 2 different size cockpits.) For hatch openings select from the cockpit list a size that makes up the 1-2 lengths needed. Some kayaks have Trim Edge on only part of the cockpit. Select a size that is larger than needed, it is better to have extra than come up short.

This product can be ordered any length by the per foot. Contact Tom for details (link above) or if you have any questions about this product.

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