Deck Plates are a common hatch style found on many types of kayaks. They consist of a rim bolted to a hole in the deck, with a cover. The cover, or lid, will close in a variety of ways. Some screw into place, like a jar lid. Others have toggle handle or two that latch like a cabinet.
Deck Plates are Ranked by size in this multi-page category. Small 1st. Larger Last. Most deck plate style hatches are small and round, but there are also larger square sizes and other shapes available. A deck plate hatch and rim can be used as replacement cover. Most covers and lids are not sold separately. Most come with a rim that can be discarded or used as a replacement.
TopKayaker stocks Wilderness Systems Orbix Hatch replacement parts and kits.
IMPORTANT ARTICLE: Kayak Hatch Replacement Options Part II - Deck Plates.
Refer to our Necky Brand Hatch Cover Fit List to fit a hatch to a Necky brand kayak.